Pure Energy Services

The winning formulaThe oil and gas production business is enjoying good times on the back of high demand, but Pure Energy is investing in the future as well. Ruari McCallion takes a closer look. Time, money and energy sounds like something Albert Einstein would have developed a formula to describe. Superficially simple, like E = MC2, behind it would be calculations and theories that would make your brain hurt. There is, however, a purer simplicity about the relationship between time (T), money ($) and energy (E): TE = $. Time multiplied by energy equals moneyÔÇöpure and simple, especially in the energy business. And it works both ways: the more time taken or energy expended, the higher the cost; higher costs and more downtime turn gains into losses. But the faster a job can be completed, the more profitable it will be. The new frontier for oil and gas in North America is the Rocky Mountain region. In Canada, itÔÇÖs centered on Alberta; in the US, itÔÇÖs Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming and UtahÔÇöthe focus of Pure Energy Services. With US headquarters in Englewood, Colorado, it employs 350 people and over 800 throughout North America. The US revenue has doubled year upon year since inception in 2004 and last year brought in over $40 million. Things move fast in the energy business, but even so, those are pretty impressive figures for a company founded only in 2001. ÔÇ£Our US operations launched in 2004,ÔÇØ says Paul DeBonis, president of Pure Energy Services (USA), whose parent company was formed in 2001. ÔÇ£The company comprises three service segments: drilling services, Canadian completions, and US completions. Within the US, we have three main areas: Grand Junction, Colorado; Minot, North Dakota; and Evanston, Wyoming.ÔÇØ Pure EnergyÔÇÖs main, but not exclusive, area of operations is in upstream activities, including logging, perforating, fracturing and production testing/flowback, which can all be supplied as an integrated service package to clients. The energy business needs to get the most out of every well and to control costs. The key is providing superior value. When you get the Pure Energy completions team in, youÔÇÖre hiring a whole lot of experience and expertise. The management team has several decades of combined industry experience, including extensive knowledge of the Rocky Mountain region. This experience has helped the Pure Energy team acquire major service contracts with key clients.Within its completion services package, Pure EnergyÔÇÖs latest service is fracturing. The teamÔÇÖs equipment consists of three complete fracturing spreads, each made up of a blender, six pumpers, a data van, high-pressure manifold, an iron truck, three prop cans, acid transport and a chemical unit. The data van is a mobile operations control center, complete with secure data-transfer capabilities, satellite communications with Internet access, radio communications and real-time pressure and pump-rate monitors for the operators. A key advantage is the built-for-purpose equipment that is manufactured for the formations present in the Rockies and is fully winterized. HSE (health, safety and environment) is one of the leading topics in any presentation by Pure Energy. Before recruits or trainees go out in the field, they undergo thorough assessment and training, regardless of experience. The program covers all aspects, from driver training to explosive and radiation awareness, pressure training and contractor expectations. Pure Energy Services policies and procedures are included, as are specific product line issues, at all levels, from ÔÇ£green hatÔÇØ newcomersÔÇöÔÇ£leaders of the future,ÔÇØ as DeBonis describes themÔÇöto supervisor level. ÔÇ£Compliance training and monitoring is ongoing throughout our operations,ÔÇØ he says. ÔÇ£WeÔÇÖre proud that our company has successfully passed multiple external audits conducted by major oil companies, as well as independents and regulatory agencies.ÔÇØ Part of the success comes down to recruiting the right peopleÔÇöand retaining them. With a growing worldwide shortage of skilled staff, it would be tempting to accept less than perfection just to get the bodies on the job. ItÔÇÖs a temptation Pure Energy firmly resists.ÔÇ£We have a hands-on recruitment manager who undertakes pre-screening of all potential US employees. We are a customer-focused company, and we want people committed to delivering outstanding service,ÔÇØ De Bonis explains. The results indicate heÔÇÖs on the right track. ÔÇ£Our retention rate in 2006 was 94 percent; last year, it was at 95 percent.ÔÇØ In an industry well known for high turnover, those numbers are impressive. Perhaps ensuring the right human resources are in place aids job satisfaction. ÔÇ£We have hired specialists in supply chain management, which has helped us to improve our on-time delivery. Customers donÔÇÖt like waitingÔÇöit costs them moneyÔÇöand our people donÔÇÖt like having to explain and excuse things that arenÔÇÖt their fault. We make sure they have the tools to do the job.ÔÇØ An example of Pure EnergyÔÇÖs supply chain advantage is a rail spur and storage facility that aids in providing an abundance of sand, which is a necessary commodity that is regularly faced with shortage issues. Between land, facilities and equipment, Pure Energy Services has invested approximately $100 million in its US operation.With demand for energy high and the need for new resources rising, Pure Energy isnÔÇÖt just making hay while the sun shines; itÔÇÖs investing in efficiencies, people and systems to sustain profitable growth for the future. ┬á